"Resistance to unwanted circumstances has the power to keep those circumstance alive and well for a very long time." - Pema Chodron We know that these three are related and impacted one another: feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Which can best serve as a cue for you varies from person to … [Read more...]
When Your Fire Fizzles
I'm not a big New Years Resolution kinda gal, but I do contemplate what I want the upcoming year to look each year. This year my friends introduced me to the idea of identifying a word of the year. My word is "intention" and I have to admit that it is a big one and can be pretty vague. I want to get … [Read more...]
This Is Your Job
I am very open in my writing and with clients in my practice in sharing that I have children. There are plenty of opportunities that help us to grow in our lives and for me, having children has been one of them. It seems especially important to me to raise my children with intention and … [Read more...]