Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT for short) is a treatment that can be effective at addressing a variety of mental health concerns—from anxiety and depression to insomnia and eating disorders. But, how do you know if CBT is the right approach for you? How do you know if you can benefit from this type of therapy?
What is CBT?
CBT is a therapeutic approach based on the belief that your specific thoughts about certain things impact your emotions and therefore your actions. For example, you may think that you aren’t good at having conversations, so you get nervous and feel awkward when attending social events, leading you to avoid such events. Or, you don’t feel like you are good at your job causing you to turn down important opportunities or participate in self-destructive behaviors.
CBT is all about modifying those thoughts, leading to alterations in your feelings, and ultimately your actions. Through this approach, you will learn to stop believing everything you think. It solidifies the belief that just because you think something doesn’t mean it’s true. False thoughts lead to negative emotions that in turn drive unproductive, self-harming behaviors.
By helping to change the way you think about things, Cognitive-Behavior treatment can have positive impacts in your life—if you are willing to put in the effort.
How does CBT work?
Counselors and therapists at Rooted and Rising work directly with clients to identify their goals and determine what thoughts and behavior patterns may be limiting them.
Once those destructive thoughts and behaviors have been identified, counselors work with clients to replace those negative patterns with positive ones. CBT does take some effort and action from the client. You will have to actively participate and put in the effort to learn how to think and behave differently.
All CBT sessions are aimed at being practical and educational. The average number of CBT sessions depends on each person’s individual needs and response to treatment. A therapist will teach you how to modify your emotions and behavior but you will need to practice applying those principles in real life.
The end goal is to equip the client to identify unhelpful thoughts, accept them as unhelpful thoughts, and change them so they can be in a better state of mind to deal with life’s challenges.
Who can benefit from CBT?
This type of therapy has been proven effective at treating a variety of conditions, as mentioned above. It is a popular treatment for those struggling with mild to moderate depression. Other treatments are recommended for those with severe depression since CBT does require the client to be actively involved—something that is very difficult with severe depression.
Other mental health conditions that respond well to CBT include anxiety, phobias, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Attention-Deficit Disorder, eating disorders, insomnia, and substance abuse. It can be effective across all age groups.
How effective is CBT?
Studies show that CBT can be extremely effective. It outperforms traditional talk therapy and medication in treating panic disorders, general anxiety, PTSD, phobias, and OCD, according to a study by the National Institutes of Health.
Clients who are treated with CBT also have the lowest relapse rates long-term.
How can I start treatment?
If you are interested in learning more about CBT and if it is right for you, don’t hesitate to contact our office. Our counselors will work with you to identify your concerns and determine if CBT is the best course of action. We want to see you succeed and feel your best. In many cases, CBT can help you get there.
Ready to begin counseling in PA?
The professionally trained and licensed counselors at Rooted & Rising Therapy in Pittsburgh have openings. Our practice specializes in treating individuals through years of experience, we’re confident that no problem is too great to overcome. Through therapy, there is always a way to address the issues you face and learn coping strategies to help you both right now and in the future. Just call our office at (412) 228-8489 or email us at to get started to feeling better today. We are here for you.