How often do you find yourself in a situation in which you do what you do because that’s the way it has always been? We can get caught up doing the same thing day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year. Yes, sometimes those familiar traditions and routines are very comforting. We know what to expect and there is contentment and satisfaction in that, but with it can also come a sense of complacency.
When we go to the same place and do the same thing, we tend to lose a sense of adventure and curiosity in it. We don’t notice all of smells into grandma’s home made spaghetti sauce if we eat it every Friday. When we drive the same way to work every, we don’t notice the beautiful bush with flowers on the corner or smile when we see the same couple walking and holding hands.
Think about those traditions and routines that you hold. Do you still like them? Do they serve you? Or, do you do it because it’s familiar and you just haven’t considered any other way? Do you actually like hosting brunch for your family on Christmas morning or is it just what you’ve always done?
When my son was in first grade, he took the bus but towards the end of school year, I found that he was asking me to pick him up or take him to school more and more. Finally, I just agreed and accepted that I would take him and pick him up every day. When both of my boys started school the following year, they took the bus in the morning but I picked them up every day. I found myself rushing from work to get there on time. One day, my son mentioned that he’d like to take the bus home. I was so surprised. I asked them if they wanted to take the bus and they excitedly told me that they did. Wait, what? Because my oldest expressed his preference last year, I held onto that and assumed that it still worked for all of us when it actually wasn’t anyone’s preference.
And can I tell you something? You are allowed to change your mind about decisions you have made. And you are allowed to say that something no longer works for you.
Take a moment to think about some of your routines and traditions. What is still working well for you? Ask yourself if this particular routine is serving you or if you continue to do it because it’s been that way.